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A surprising reason to not list your consulting prices

As I've shared insights on indie consulting, marketing strategies, and referral techniques, a recurring question from my newsletter subscribers is about pricing. Specifically, many ask if they should lower their rates or make them public.

In this article, we'll delve into the counterintuitive reasons why listing your consulting prices might not be the best strategy, regardless of whether you're aiming to appear affordable or exclusive. We'll explore the potential drawbacks of transparent pricing, introduce more effective alternatives like minimum level of engagement pricing, and provide actionable strategies to help you maximize your value and earnings as a consultant.

Building on the foundation laid in my previous posts about building a consulting practice and using the right tools, this piece will add another crucial element to your consulting toolkit: strategic pricing.

Everything I Learned from AI Consulting

As I've shared insights on building a consulting practice, marketing strategies, and referral techniques, I've realized there's so much more to discuss about the world of AI consulting. This post aims to consolidate everything I've learned, building upon the foundation laid in my previous articles. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your approach, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights into the consulting process, from positioning yourself as an expert to closing high-value deals. For those interested in the tools that support my consulting work, don't forget to check out my article on the consulting stack I use.

These insights are drawn from my extensive experience, including a livestream I conducted on the topic. If you're interested in the original discussion, you can find the YouTube live stream here.

Best Tools for Indie Consultants

This blog post came from a conversation with a buddy of mine who is setting up their consulting business. This is effectively a transcript of that conversation:

As a consultant, having the right tools can make or break your business. Over the years, I've refined my "consulting stack" - a collection of software and services that keep my operations smooth and professional. In this post, I'll share the key components of my stack and why they matter. At the end I'll include a todo list for setting up your business foundation, and a todo list for setting up your consulting stack.

Thoughts on Marketing, Positioning, and Scaling my Consulting

I've enjoyed writing about my indie consulting process. Today, I want to share some insights on marketing, positioning, and scaling my consulting business. This post builds on my previous discussions about referrals and the tools I use, focusing on how I've grown my practice through strategic marketing efforts.

As a former MLE, I had always relied on my hands-on coding skills to excel in my career. However, a hand injury forced me to adapt and pivot towards consulting. In this essay, I share my journey of becoming a successful AI consultant and the lessons I've learned about marketing, positioning, and scaling my business.

  • Transitioning to consulting and building a marketing plan
  • Generating leads and creating valuable content
  • Closing leads using situational assessments

Indie Consulting

As I've shared insights on building a consulting practice, marketing strategies, and referral techniques, it's important to understand the unique position of indie consulting in the broader landscape. In this post, we'll explore how indie consulting differs from traditional large-scale consulting firms and why it can offer more value to clients.

Indie consulting is fundamentally distinct from the practices of well-known institutions. For a critical perspective on these large firms, I recommend watching John Oliver's insightful critique of McKinsey or this concise TikTok video that encapsulates the issues with big consulting firms.

In contrast to these large firms, indie consulting focuses on specialized expertise, direct accountability, and long-term value creation for clients. It's about leveraging personal experience and skills to solve specific problems, rather than applying generic frameworks or strategies. This approach aligns closely with the pricing strategies and tools I've discussed in previous posts, all aimed at delivering maximum value to clients.