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Content Creation Mastery: From Tweets to Long-Form

Look, creating content that matters is hard. Here's how to craft impactful content without the bullshit.

1. Start with the Tweet

Your journey begins with mastering micro-content. Here's how to nail a tweet:

Hook Like Your Life Depends On It

  • You've got 15 seconds. Don't waste them.
  • Foreshadow value immediately.
  • Use metrics or lists: "5 ways to 10x your content impact"
  • Create urgency: "The one secret every content creator must know TODAY"

Body: Deliver on Your Promise

  • Actually have something to say. Don't clickbait.
  • Use short paragraphs and bullet points.
  • Make it skimmable.

Call-to-Action: Ask for Something

  • Always include a CTA.
  • Offer a reward: "Follow for daily content hacks"
  • Be specific: "DM me your biggest content struggle"

2. Scale Up: Long-Form Content Mastery

Once you've nailed tweets, it's time to dominate long-form content:

  1. Titles That Demand Attention: Your title is the gatekeeper. Make it count or no one will read your shit.

  2. Hook with a Powerful Intro: You've got their click. Now keep them. Validate their challenge, hint at your solution, and establish why they should listen to you.

  3. Use Evidence, Not Adjectives: "Our platform is blazing fast" means nothing. "3ms average response time" does.

  4. Foreshadow Value: Tell them exactly what they'll get. No vague promises.

  5. Structure for Scanners: People skim. Deal with it. Use headers, bullet points, and short paragraphs.

  6. Make It About Them, Not You: No one cares about your journey. They care about their problems.

  7. Be an Oracle: Predict future challenges. Be right more often than not.

  8. One Clear Call-to-Action: What do you want them to do? Ask for it. Once.

  9. Iterate Based on Data: If it's not working, change it. Ego has no place here.

Deep Dive: Long-Form Content Strategies

Craft Titles That Grab Attention

Your title is crucial. Here's how to improve it:

  • Address pain points: "Overcoming Writer's Block: A Practical 3-Step Approach"
  • Offer clear value: "5 Data-Driven Techniques to Improve Sales Conversions"
  • Use numbers: "7 Effective Marketing Strategies for B2B Companies"
  • Create urgency: "Time-Sensitive SEO Tactics for Immediate Traffic Growth"
  • Ask thought-provoking questions: "Is Your Content Strategy Aligned with Your Business Goals?"

A/B test your titles. Use keyword research tools. Aim for under 60 characters for SEO.

Use Evidence, Not Adjectives

Vague claims are worthless. Be specific:

❌ "Our platform is incredibly fast" ✅ "Our platform averages 3ms response time with 99.99% uptime"

Use: - Data and statistics - Case studies - Expert opinions - Comparative analyses - User testimonials

Always cite sources. Use visuals to present data clearly.

Structure for Scanners

People skim. Make it easy for them:

  • Short paragraphs (2-3 sentences max)
  • Bullet points and numbered lists
  • Descriptive subheadings
  • Bold key phrases
  • Use white space
  • Include relevant images
  • Pull quotes for emphasis
  • Table of contents for longer pieces

Use the inverted pyramid: Most important info first.

Make It Reader-Centric

Focus on your audience's needs and problems:

❌ "I increased conversions by 50% using this method" ✅ "This method can help you increase conversions by up to 50%"

  • Use "you" and "your" in your writing
  • Highlight reader benefits
  • Ask relevant questions
  • Use relatable examples
  • Provide actionable advice
  • Address potential concerns

Always ask: "How does this information benefit my reader?"

Final Thoughts

Content creation is both art and science. Master the craft, from tweets to long-form content. It's not just about getting views or followers; it's about making an impact.

Remember: Creativity matters, but data drives results. Now go create something worth reading.

If you found this useful, follow me on Twitter @jxnlco for more content creation insights. And if you're struggling with content creation, DM me. I might be able to help.

Chasing Chase: Why I'll Never Trust Chase Bank Again, A Yuppie Nightmare

It always goes this way. Someone will try teaching you a parable or life story, but you never really understand it until you have to experience it yourself. Some call this ‘learning things the hard way.’ Some call this life. Now, folks always told me that consulting was either a feast or famine, which sounds straightforward, but it turns out I didn’t really know what this meant until I had to deal with Chase.

Earlier this year, for reasons that are still not fully known to me, and despite my existing relationship with Chase (dating back to my first job out of university over a decade ago!), Chase froze $180,000 of my money without warning. This left me scrambling to pay employees and nearly derailed my business—all without explanation. It was a major wake-up call not just for me but for any entrepreneur. The importance of diversifying your banking and choosing financial partners that actually support small businesses has never been more important.

A surprising reason to not list your consulting prices

As I've shared insights on indie consulting, marketing strategies, and referral techniques, a recurring question from my newsletter subscribers is about pricing. Specifically, many ask if they should lower their rates or make them public.

In this article, we'll delve into the counterintuitive reasons why listing your consulting prices might not be the best strategy, regardless of whether you're aiming to appear affordable or exclusive. We'll explore the potential drawbacks of transparent pricing, introduce more effective alternatives like minimum level of engagement pricing, and provide actionable strategies to help you maximize your value and earnings as a consultant.

Building on the foundation laid in my previous posts about building a consulting practice and using the right tools, this piece will add another crucial element to your consulting toolkit: strategic pricing.

Content Creation Mastery: 9 Strategies to 10x Your Impact

Look, creating content that actually matters is hard. Here's how to do it without the bullshit:

  1. Titles That Demand Attention: Your title is the gatekeeper. Make it count or no one will read your shit.

  2. Hook with a Powerful Intro: You've got 15 seconds. Don't waste them.

  3. Use Evidence, Not Adjectives: "Our platform is blazing fast" means nothing. "3ms average response time" does.

  4. Foreshadow Value: Tell them exactly what they'll get. No vague promises.

  5. Structure for Scanners: People skim. Deal with it. Use headers, bullet points, and short paragraphs.

  6. Make It About Them, Not You: No one cares about your journey. They care about their problems.

  7. Be an Oracle: Predict future challenges. Be right more often than not.

  8. One Clear Call-to-Action: What do you want them to do? Ask for it. Once.

  9. Iterate Based on Data: If it's not working, change it. Ego has no place here.

1. Craft Titles That Demand Attention

Your title is make-or-break. Here's how to not fuck it up:

  • Evoke emotion: "The Writing Hack That Tripled My Audience Overnight"
  • Address pain points: "End 'Writer's Block' Forever: A Foolproof 3-Step System"
  • Offer clear value: "5 Persuasion Techniques That Boosted Our Sales by 287%"
  • Use numbers: "7 Unconventional Marketing Tactics Used by Top Brands"
  • Create urgency: "Limited Time: Learn the SEO Secret That's Transforming Businesses"
  • Ask intriguing questions: "Is Your Content Strategy Secretly Sabotaging Your Growth?"

A/B test your titles. Use tools for keyword research. Keep it under 60 characters for search engines.

2. Hook with a Powerful Intro

You've got their click. Now keep them. Here's how:

  1. Validate their challenge
  2. Hint at your solution
  3. Establish why they should listen to you

Example: "Struggling to stand out? You're not alone. After helping 100+ creators grow their audiences by 500%+, I've cracked the code. Here's how to turn readers into raving fans."

Use shocking stats, the PAS formula, or a relatable story. Keep it under 5 sentences.

3. Use Evidence, Not Adjectives

Vague claims are worthless. Be specific:

❌ "Our platform is blazing fast" ✅ "Our platform delivers 3ms average response time with 99.99% uptime last quarter"

Use: - Data and statistics - Case studies - Expert quotes - Before and after comparisons - Social proof

Always cite sources. Use visuals to make data digestible.

4. Foreshadow Value

Tell them exactly what they'll get:

"By the end of this guide, you'll know how to: - Boost email open rates by 203% - Craft headlines that convert 43% better than average - Create 10 high-engaging pieces from a single idea - Cut content creation time in half while doubling output - Land features in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and TechCrunch"

Be specific. Align with their pain points.

5. Structure for Scanners

People skim. Make it easy for them:

  • Short paragraphs (2-3 sentences max)
  • Bullet points and numbered lists
  • Descriptive subheadings
  • Bold key phrases
  • Use white space
  • Include relevant images
  • Pull quotes for emphasis
  • Table of contents for longer pieces

Use the inverted pyramid: Most important info first.

6. Make It About Them, Not You

No one cares about your journey. They care about their problems. Focus on that:

❌ "I increased conversions by 50% using this method" ✅ "You can boost your conversions by 50% with this proven method"

  • Use "you" language
  • Address reader benefits directly
  • Ask questions
  • Use relatable scenarios
  • Provide actionable takeaways
  • Anticipate and address objections

Always ask: "So what? How does this benefit my reader?"

7. Be an Oracle: Predict Future Challenges

Show them you're ahead of the curve:

  1. Analyze industry trends
  2. Predict audience evolution
  3. Look for cross-industry insights

Example: "While everyone's mastering short-form video, prepare for immersive, interactive content. By 2026, 30% of content will have an AR/VR component. Here's how to get ahead."

Back predictions with data. Offer actionable steps for each prediction.

8. One Clear, Compelling Call-to-Action

Tell them exactly what to do next. Once.

  • Make it stand out visually
  • Use action-oriented language
  • Clearly state the benefit
  • Create urgency when appropriate
  • Ensure it's relevant to the content

Example: "Join 50,000+ content pros getting weekly insider tips. Sign up now!"

A/B test your CTAs. Optimize for mobile.

9. Iterate and Improve Based on Data

If it's not working, change it. Track:

  • Engagement metrics (time on page, scroll depth, shares, comments)
  • Conversion metrics (sign-ups, downloads, purchases)
  • SEO metrics (organic traffic, keyword rankings, backlinks)
  • Content-specific metrics (video watch time, podcast listen-through rate)

Analyze top performers. A/B test everything. Update high-performing older content.

Remember: Content creation is both art and science. Creativity matters, but data drives results.

Now go create something worth reading.

Implementing Naturalistic Dialogue in AI Companions

Ever think, "This AI companion sounds odd"? You're onto something. Let's explore naturalistic dialogue and how it could change our digital interactions.

I've been focused on dialogue lately. Not the formal kind, but the type you'd hear between friends at a coffee shop. Conversations that flow, full of inside jokes and half-finished sentences that still make sense. Imagine if your AI companion could chat like that.

This post will define naturalistic dialogue, characterized by:

  1. Contextual efficiency: saying more with less
  2. Implicit references: alluding rather than stating
  3. Fragmentation: incomplete thoughts and imperfections
  4. Organic flow: spontaneity

We'll then examine AI-generated dialogue challenges and propose a solution using chain-of-thought reasoning and planning to craft more natural responses.

Everything I Learned from AI Consulting

As I've shared insights on building a consulting practice, marketing strategies, and referral techniques, I've realized there's so much more to discuss about the world of AI consulting. This post aims to consolidate everything I've learned, building upon the foundation laid in my previous articles. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your approach, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights into the consulting process, from positioning yourself as an expert to closing high-value deals. For those interested in the tools that support my consulting work, don't forget to check out my article on the consulting stack I use.

These insights are drawn from my extensive experience, including a livestream I conducted on the topic. If you're interested in the original discussion, you can find the YouTube live stream here.

Best Tools for Indie Consultants

This blog post came from a conversation with a buddy of mine who is setting up their consulting business. This is effectively a transcript of that conversation:

As a consultant, having the right tools can make or break your business. Over the years, I've refined my "consulting stack" - a collection of software and services that keep my operations smooth and professional. In this post, I'll share the key components of my stack and why they matter. At the end I'll include a todo list for setting up your business foundation, and a todo list for setting up your consulting stack.

Optimizing Tool Retrieval in RAG Systems: A Balanced Approach

RAG Course

This is based on a conversation that came up during office hours from my RAG course for engineering leaders. There's another cohort that's coming up soon, so if you're interested in that, you can sign up here.

When it comes to Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, one of the key challenges is deciding how to select and use tools effectively. As someone who's spent countless hours optimizing these systems, many people ask me whether or not they should think about using retrieval to choose which tools to put into the prompt. What this actually means is that we're interested in making precision and recall trade-offs. I've found that the key lies in balancing recall and precision. Let me break down my approach and share some insights that could help you improve your own RAG implementations.

In this article, we'll cover:

  1. The challenge of tool selection in RAG systems
  2. Understanding the recall vs. precision tradeoff
  3. The "Evergreen Tools" strategy for optimizing tool selection

The RAG Playbook

When it comes to building and improving Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, too many teams focus on the wrong things. They obsess over generation before nailing search, implement RAG without understanding user needs, or get lost in complex improvements without clear metrics. I've seen this pattern repeat across startups of all sizes and industries.

But it doesn't have to be this way. After years of building recommendation systems, instrumenting them, and more recently consulting on RAG applications, I've developed a systematic approach that works. It's not just about what to do, but understanding why each step matters in the broader context of your business.

Here's the flywheel I use to continually infer and improve RAG systems:

  1. Initial Implementation
  2. Synthetic Data Generation
  3. Fast Evaluations
  4. Real-World Data Collection
  5. Classification and Analysis
  6. System Improvements
  7. Production Monitoring
  8. User Feedback Integration
  9. Iteration

Let's break this down step-by-step: